Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big Blow Tuesday

Was a good 20kts NNE on Tuesday and I took the JW to the top of the Mount where I met up with Humis - first fly together for a few months!! The conditions were a little strange as the wind was being split right on the point, but the lift was just like an elevator and I could do inverted climbs with ease! Yeeeha!

At one stage, Humi's Corsair got tangled with my JW and it sent the plank into a frightening nose over tail spin that seemed to last for ages, but it pulled out shortly after and appeared to have sustained no real damage - but I landed just to check for sure. Wicked spins. Ralph has had a plank do that before and now I know what it looks and feels like - scary.

So here's a few pics of the day with a nice video of the Corsair to be posted soon.

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