Wednesday, December 26, 2012


With the DS festival over, I stayed in an NZMCA POP for a few days leading up to Christmas, building a new plane for flying at parks and when there is no wind. It's a 3D foamie based (loosely) on the plans for the Big Nasty I got from RCgroups. I've made it look more like a Harvard (AT6 Texan) and here's a couple of pics building it inside the van and after giving it a coat of paint.
Just needs a few servos and electrics before it will be ready to maiden. I'm hoping this little beast will keep my fingers in practise because I'm not expecting as much wind as the summer kicks in. On Christmas eve, I headed over to Lyttleton with the idea of seeing some live bands at the local pubs. Well pretty disappointing to find that Lyttleton is a lot smaller than I expected, plus, with all the earthquake damage, there was only one venue offering live music. Lots of cleared building sites and cracks in the footpaths.
On Christmas day it was the usual drizzly wet stuff we seem to get every year, so I headed off around Lyttleton Harbour to Charteris Bay, where I stayed at a Orton Bradley Park - an old holding with some historical buildings and miles of tramping tracks. Unfortunately none of the hills faced the prevailing wind and at $8 per night I decided to move on. Had these nice trees on the harbours edge.

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