Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Went to Raglan on Tuesday after stopping off in Hamilton to let the ladies go shopping for the day. We travelled around the Whanga Coast road to a windswept site overlooking the sea. Ralph just had to try it out and here's a pic of him getting airbourne with the MH64 plank.

He certainly cuts a lonely picture in such bleak terrain.

Later, we went round further to another spot on the coast. To get to the hill we had to cross a stream with only a couple of dodgy logs to walk across - and yes, I slipped off and collapsed into the water. Ferkin cold it was too, but worse, it drowned my camera, so no photos from this spot :-(

But what a great flying site : I had the JW racing around the sky revelling in the strong lift, even pulling up inverted after an aileron roll - yeehaaa! Must go back there again, but we need to find a better way across that stream!

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