Monday, February 22, 2010


Went to Raglan yesterday (Sunday) to see what 10kts of breeze was like over there. Won't bother to do that again! It was so light I had trouble staying in the air. But I did get to try flying the knob to the south of the stream - something I hadn't done before.

The pics show looking both ways up the beach. The one with me is looking south and the other shot is looking north with an arrow indicating where I was standing in the other shot. Hope that's not too confusing :-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Construction

As you can see, I've made some wingseats and test fitted them to the fuse. Earlier this week I spent a long time trying to get an aerial layout that gave a good range test. I've decided to place the receiver and the aerial wire inside the wing simply because there will be carbon longerons embedded in the fuse and not enough separation for the aerial in the fuse. (I worked out with the Vampire that I need 50mm separation to prevent interference)

Of course I have the added problem of my alloy box section ballast tank in the wing and this created a major headache with reception interference. However after muchos trialling of different layouts I stumbled upon a wire route which worked! So fingers crossed that it will be okay on maiden day.

Not flying much at present - went out on Sunday and flew the Su Flanker for the last time - have decided to sell it!! Here's the pic for the trademe sale - will be for sale shortly.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sicky Sicky

Been laid low lately with what seems like flu symptoms - so not been able to get out flying. Wanted to go yesterday with 30kts it would have been a real blast. Johnny Searle made it for a huge fly and said it was real tricky bringing his Banshee in to land. Read about it here ...

In the hanger, you can see I've started on the fuselage for the 2m sloper and did a quick mock-up pic to get first impressions.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February Already!

Wow, that was fast, January's gone already. But I did manage to get a pic from my birthday month - here's the snack I invented for the occasion - brie on crackers drizzeled with spicey plum chutney and topped with blueberries. Goes well with home brew :-)

Not a lot of flying done in January - here's one attempt I made. After an assault on the Mount traversing the East Face and, running low on mint cake, I made the summit only to look out on this murky view :-( Oh well, not every day's a flying day...

And finally David, here's a shot of the 2m sloper wing showing painfully slow progress to date. Balsa skin on one side and servo pockets cut out. No sign of the fuselage yet - it's still mostly floating around in my brain and will need a gale force wind to blow it into shape :-) But I think the wing is looking ok.

Fair winds and good lift....