Sunday, March 24, 2013

French Pass - last post from South Island

So here I am sitting on a jetty in Picton waiting to catch the ferry. Spent the last few days exploring French Pass in the Marlborough Sounds. Really slow differcult winding road all the way there (and back!) but made it with no drama. The wind didn't happen for decent flying but I got airbourne for a few sorties along the roadside slopes. About the same height as the Kaimai Ranges so pretty cold but very light winds.

Here's some pics - first up is Elaine Bay where I stayed a night next to a couple from Te Puke!

Next up is looking south down Squally Bay into Crosilles Harbour - mussel farms are in every part of the Sounds that I saw, grouped along the foreshore of the bays and inlets - there must be hundreds of them and after a while you realise they are a blight on the landscape (or is that seascape?)

And here's a shot looking down to Cissy Bay and the road leading to Bulwer. Beautiful views and magnificent country - mostly native bush but a lot of pine forests and some pasture too.

 This one is taken from French Pass road looking down Current Basin towards D'Urville Island...

And here's proof that it is a windy spot - this is how the trees grow...

So my South Island odyssey in nearly over. I've found very few flying sites - for various reasons - but after 4 months away on my tod it's time to get back up country for winter.

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