Thursday, February 28, 2013

Westport - Buller Gorge - Inangahua

Cape Foulwind near Westport - and foul it was too - cold southerly blowing on a hot summers day. But the beach cliffs looked ok, and the lighthouse gets a reasonable 6/10

On to the Buller Gorge (because the town of Westport was just another small town). This is an awesome stretch of road about 35km of winding road beside the Buller River - a real man's river! Stayed at a roadside area half way through and the sandflies drove me mad - until I found the chigger repellant and wiped in on the ceiling flyscreens - that got me thru the night.

At Inangahua there is a hall with a history of the 1968 earthquake displayed in photos and newspaper clippings - very sobering reading - apparently an 8 on the Richter Scale. Also showed this old b/w pic of the Buller Gorge and my own at the same spot follows ...

And here's how the road was shifted. There were stories of how during the quake the bed was being slammed from one wall to the next and back again, (it struck at 5:30am) and a bloke who leaned his rifle up against the wall the night before, and next morning his rifle was in two rooms - the wall having shifted.


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